Prime Cuts: Volume 1
Profiles of America’s Rising Physiques
Over the past years, the USAMuscle crew set out to discover and profile some of the country’s most promising up-and-coming bodybuilders. From local contests allthe way to top-level national competitions, each edition of Prime Cuts brings you a look at the many faces, physiques and personalities that make upthis unique sport.
The two-hour premiere of Prime Cuts features super-heavyweight national-level bodybuilder Omar Deckard, heavyweight Armenian bodybuilder Grigori Atoyan, Bulgarian-born bodybuilding sensation Ivan Nikolov, rising young natural bodybuilder Layne Norton, and 2004 NPC Nationals lightweight champion Patrick Richardson. Through interview sand extensive gym footage, these focused and determined athletes provide a glimpse into the elements that fuel their unending pursuits of muscular perfection.