2012 NPC Nationals Women’s Figure & Bikini Finals
All Classes
The NPC National Figure & Bikini Championships are the pinnacle of the amateur contest season where top figure & bikini competitors from all over the country vie for a chance to earn professional status. Without a doubt, the National Championships are the most anticipated top-level amateur contest of the year. The evening show finals video an introduction of all bikini and figure competitors, with the top 5 receiving their trophies. Professionally-shot and produced with both wide shot and close-up camera angles, this video brings you closer than a front-row seat!
Appearing in this Video
- Elina Abla
- Alexandrea Adams
- Brittany Adams
- Donna Marie Alexander
- Amy Allen
- Christy Allen
- Crystal Allen
- Siene Allen
- Heidi Allen Patterson
- Barbara Anderson
- Jessica Andrade
- Yolanda Anthony
- Maria Aracena
- Carla Araujo
- Micah Archibald
- Tara Ashley
- Cristen Autry
- Laura Bailey
- Gena Baisa
- Jennifer Baker
- Samantha Baker
- Colette Barbera
- Lindsey Barton
- Michelle Beatty
- Elvira Becirovic
- Samantha Belcher
- Veronica Belletto
- Valerie Betancourt
- Amanda Betron
- Vickie Biberian
- Erica Blockman
- Tonya Boardman
- Lisa Bockwell
- Kelsey Boe
- Krystal Bogan
- Tatum Bounds
- Stephanie Broman
- Jennifer Brown
- Michelle Brown
- Ashley Cabot
- Denise Cadenas
- Lisa Campbell
- Michelle Cannon
- Lori Canova
- Amy Caperton
- Emily Carey
- Jamie Carroll
- Maria Carson
- Yna Castillo
- Christina Chance
- Stacy Charles
- Courtney Christiana
- Michele Ciaclese
- Kristy Cisneroz
- Abby Clark
- Camille Clark
- Denita Clark
- Erica Clark
- Autumn Cleveland
- Sheri Lynn Cochran
- Melanie Cole
- Angela Coleman
- Katie Marie Coles
- Alexxa Condon
- Christine Conoscenti
- Hyla Conrad
- Candice Conroy
- Hallie Cook
- Maggie Corso
- Carson Costello
- Jessica Curry
- Heather Cutrona
- Darcy Dassow
- Erin Davis
- Haley Davis
- Sailyn DeBernardis
- Jennifer Dees
- Elle DeLallo
- April DeLaPaz
- Jennifer Delgado
- Yubia DePina
- Kimberly Dickson
- Kelly Diffenderfer
- Maria DiNello
- Celest Dionne Hunt
- Kelly Dominick
- Megan Donnelson
- Vicki Dowell
- Jordan Duffey
- Donna Duncan
- Kimberely Duncan
- Madolyn Elias
- Kimberly Elizabeth
- Kathy Ellington
- Kim Eskdale Haines
- Eva Esoamilla
- Lindsay Farling
- Crystal Fassler
- Tiffany Faxon
- Arianne Fellows
- Maria Ferrari
- Lynda Figueredo
- Chelsea Fitzgerald
- Felicia Flake
- Trisha Fleischer
- Victoria Flores
- Charlene Floyd
- Laura Foster
- Kim Frempong
- Stephanie Fross
- Brenda Gabbard
- Christine Gardner
- Tiffany Garrett
- Siliano Gaspard
- Tiffany Gaughan
- Rosie Gavilanes
- Daniella Giafardino
- Krista Gibson
- Cydney Gillon
- Melissa Girard
- Mindi Giroir
- Deborah Goodman
- Joy Grajo
- Crista Gray
- Crystal Green
- Kate Grevey
- Hope Haarer
- Liana Hamilton
- Victoria Hamm
- Charish Hammond
- Amy Hardigree
- Karen Hardy
- Brandi Harper
- Sherry Hasty
- Kelly Hater
- Kerri Hayes
- Eshela Heiler
- Amber Herring
- Emily Herrington
- Ashley Higgerson
- Stevee Hight
- Joanne Holden
- Denise Holloway
- Shareen Holmes
- Belinda Hope
- Heather Horton
- Sarah Hoy
- Christine Hronec
- Allison Hubbell
- Chantelle Huber
- Kesha Hutton
- Sarah Ingmanson
- Jennifer Iritano
- Jill Jackson
- Veronica Jackson
- Hannah Jacobs
- Elizabeth James
- Renee Janda
- Claudia Jaramillo
- Natalie Jarvis
- Elizabeth Jenkins
- Ecko Johnson
- Querida Jones
- Natasha Julian
- Nola June
- Sally Kaminski
- Melanie Kate
- Bridgette King
- TauMee King
- Larissa Koenig
- Michelle Krause
- Katie Kreidler
- Katie Kull
- Vanessa Lackey
- Jael Lamothe
- Zabira Landestoy
- Antanique Landry
- Kisha Lane
- Maggie Lane
- Christina Larson
- Bren Lauver
- Katie Lynn LeBoeuf
- Laure Leckwold
- Melina Lee
- Samantha Ann Leete
- Ashley Lemmons
- Cheryl Lenzer
- Elena Leonetti
- Lita Lewis
- Kalyn Link
- Kimberly Linton
- Ana Grace Livingston
- Rachael Loftis
- Caroline Lovino
- Rhionnon Mackenzie
- Stephanie Mahoe
- Whitney Mailkowski
- Carolina Mane Booth
- Lindsey Mannion
- Amber Marol
- Amanda Martin
- Amy Martin
- Samantha Mason
- Patreceia Mathis
- May Maung
- Krisha Mayberry
- Samantha Maycock Stephen
- Susan McDonald
- Traci McDonald
- Kadie McDuffie
- Kelly McGehee
- Meagan McGraw
- Sharitha Mckenzie
- Kristy McKinney
- Colleen McMahon
- Claudia Meijberg
- Annette Mendez
- Renee Mengel
- Brooke Merritt
- Aymara Mesia Baquero
- Tatum Miranda
- Sabina Moise
- Alexis Montgomery
- Heather Moore
- Justine Moore
- Michelle Moore
- Jennifer Moriarty
- Megan Morris
- LaJean Morrow
- Stacey Morton
- Vicki Mullins
- Grace Muraski
- Brittany Murchie
- Stephanie Nadeau
- Vanessa Naesheim
- Nakita Nedd
- Crystal Nelson
- Mylien Nguyen
- Thaun Nguyen
- Yen Nguyen
- Desiree Niemann
- Lindsay Nutter
- Shinda Obey
- Valerie Ortega
- Yvette Ortega Garrison
- Cristina Ortiz
- Keysa Ortiz Garcia
- Kaylan Ostrander
- Erika Otero
- Yarishra Otero
- Karla Page
- Deanndra Paghi
- Valeria Palamidy
- Julie Paquin
- Asia Parker
- Molly Parkton
- Hilda Pastoriza
- Rina Patel
- Queenie Pe Benito
- Dianet Pereda
- Monica Perez
- Jodi Perl
- Susan Perry
- Terina Perry
- Ashley Pfaff
- Amy Phillips
- Sarah Pitsch
- Gina Policastro
- Kristi Popp
- Jenna Potter
- Amber Price
- Danielle Price
- Christina Profancik
- Priscilla Prunella
- Amanda Quinlan
- Brianna Rafferty
- Vanessa Rahn
- Amy Ramage
- Robyn Ray
- Stacy Reese
- Dixie Reynolds
- Monica Richard
- Heather Rickard
- Hannah Ringholm
- Grace Ripslinger
- Aimee Roa
- Isabell Rodericks
- Isabell Rodericks
- Hunnika Rodriguez
- Karla Rodriguez
- Marianny Rondon
- Jacquline Rose Solomon
- Kelli Ruth
- Chantal Rzewnicki
- Janette Samuelson
- Ali Sanders
- Emily Sanders
- Aubrie Sauer
- Roshonda Schmitt
- Julie Schoomaker
- Asia Schroeder
- Shayann Schuessler
- Shira Searle
- Tamara Sedlack
- Christy Seguin
- Danielle Sereluca
- Kandace Shelby
- Michelle Shepherd
- Jami Shields
- Brandee Shropshire
- Juna Simon
- Nicole Sims
- Amber Sizemore
- Angela Skeels
- Samantha Slaven
- Sarah Sloane Spicklemire
- Francine Slobodnik
- Brandy Smith
- Lacy Smith
- Michelle Smith
- Crystalyn Sonnier
- Anya Spector
- Jennifer Stevens
- Brittney Stracener McGovern
- May Strickland
- Kellie Jo Sullivan
- Maleka Sweat
- Kasey Tabar
- Nina Tamez Mendez
- Lisa Tanker
- Lia Taylor
- Marisa Taylor
- Brittany Tegeler
- Mystra Tillotson
- Jennifer Toro
- Violeta Torregrosa Ayula
- Sarah Trattler
- Tia Trent
- Jennifer Trinkner
- Denise Trlica
- Marcie Trujillo
- Phuong Tu
- Erin Tucker
- Bryana Turner
- Tiffany Upshaw
- Chioma Uwasomba
- Maureen Valenti
- Lauren Valentino
- Adriana Valero
- Aly Veneno
- Huong Vo
- Ashley Wade
- Leslie Ward
- Susan Waters
- Christi Watkins
- Tanya Weinle
- Casidy Welch
- Sarah Wernert
- Tianna Wesselmann
- Debbie Westby
- Elena White
- Brittany Williams
- Katherine Williams
- Rebekah Willich
- TJ Wiltz
- Penny Wyatt
- Megan Wyble
- Biani Xavier
- Elizabeth Yisreal
- Chelsey Young
- Jodi Young
- Natalia Young
- Francesca Yumul
- Kimberly Zachry
- Tara Zito
59 Minutes
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