2009 NPC National Figure Championships Prejudging
All Figure Classes
The NPC National Figure Championships are the pinnacle of amateur physique competitions where fit and sexy bods from all over the country vie for a chance to win top prize and earn their pro card. Without a doubt, the National Championships are the most anticipated female physique competititon of the year. The women’s figure prejudging video features 180 beautifully fit female physiques as they perform their individuals turns and engage in side-by-side comparisons for the judging panel. Presented entirely in head-to-toe full body shots, you’ll see exactly what the judges saw.
Appearing in this Video
- Ivonne Acosta Parro
- Noy Alexander
- Betsy Arnaiz
- Sandra Augustin
- Rachel Baker
- Natalie Bastiao Thumser
- Michelle Battista
- Angela Beavers
- Holly Beck
- Evangeline Belton
- Melaine Benitez
- Jessica Benton
- Melissa Binkley
- Jennifer Blundell
- Jenna Boyer
- Tina Bozman
- Amanda Breznau
- Casey Brocato
- Jill Brooks
- Nekilea Bryant
- Maria Cabading-Popov
- Rebecca Canez
- Valerie Carlino
- Janae Carpenter
- Darice Castro-Smolemski
- Heidi Chappell
- Catherine Chlipala
- Katie Marie Coles
- Ava Cowan
- Rachel Cowan
- Kriston Crigler
- Ursula Cristofaro
- Jami De Bernard
- Fleur Yvette De Kine
- Amy DeGiovine
- Sue Dent
- Michelle DeRosa
- Kimberly Dickson
- Kristen Dockter
- Heather Drescher
- Rose-Anne Duvigneaud
- Lena Eberling
- Stephanie Edwards
- Hazel Egizi
- Jana Elumba
- Ryan Everson
- Christine Favazzo
- Angie Feliciano
- Skye Fisher
- Tina Francis
- Jami Frenkel
- Miranda Gahn
- Taylor Gallagher
- Rachel Gichert
- Wanda Gil
- Andi Grasso
- Sherry Greathouse
- Nichole Guenther
- Lisa Hahn
- Traci Hall
- Heidi Hansen
- Caela Hawthorne
- Gwen Hazlett
- Mandy Henderson
- Soleivi Hernandez
- Christy Hill
- Andrea Holliday
- Belinda Hope
- Allie Hubbard
- Luna Ingram
- Charmayne Jackson
- Mindi Jaeger
- Jennifer Jaques-Conn
- Allyce Jerome
- Meagan Johnson
- Alexandra Johnston
- Rozell Jones
- Kelly Ann Kearney
- Irina Kiselev
- Shawna Kondo
- Tatianna Koshman
- Michelle Krause
- Nicole Kreiser
- Stephanie Larkin
- Christina Larson
- Debra Lavette
- Kari Lege
- Martha Lepe
- Sandra Lombardo
- Sarah Ann Long
- Sylvia Lopez-Roule
- Kelly Lynch
- Andrea Lyons
- Casandra Madero
- Maria Mandler
- Jennifer Marchetta
- Jennifer Martin
- Cindy Martinez
- Julie Mayer-Hyman
- Kendra McAdams
- Dana McKee
- Claudia Meijberg
- Valeria Mendez
- Alicia Meza Leija
- Stephanie Middleton
- Jolie Mosser
- Teale Mueller
- Jennifer Myers
- Patricia Nguyen
- Newonda Nichols
- Jeanne Nimmer
- Maria Ochoa
- Ann Marie Orr
- Gina Ostarly
- Connie Owens
- Bridgette Pace
- Amy Katherine Palmer
- Renee Paul
- Sarah Pawlicki
- Nicole Pearson
- Lisa Peper
- Jamie Perea
- Lisa Person
- Jennifer Petrea
- Kiana Phi-Lewis
- Alexandra Porshnikoff
- Kristy Poteat
- Amanda Pozsony
- Tiffany Procopio
- Anissa Ramos
- Alecia Rankovic
- Ginger Redeker
- Cinderella Richardson
- Christina Rieder
- Sandy Robidoux
- Kelly Rodrigues
- Amanda Rogers
- Summer Rogers
- Lauren Rosen
- Heather Ruelan
- Adriana Sanchez
- Lisa Sandercock
- Elizabeth Sandoz
- Jennifer Santich
- Dextria Sapp
- Misty Schaffer
- Christy Seguin
- Jessica Shannon
- Kimberly Sheppard
- Jaime Shires
- Tracy Simonsen
- Dana Sloan
- Donna Smith
- Heather Smith
- Mindi Smith
- Jessica Smith-McLeod
- Jennifer Smythe
- Billi Stephens
- Victoria Stroud
- Bernita Stuckey
- Lisa Tanker
- Kathleen Tesori
- Amanda Tobey
- Kimberle Trowbridge
- Shante Turner
- Jill Vadala
- LuAnn VanAkin
- Sheanni Vanderbilt
- Amy Vetter
- Huong Vo
- Cheri Wasmer
- Sici Weinstock
- Misi White-Guilbert
- Raven Wiencek
- Kristi Wise
- Takisha Wright
- Danielle Young
- Josie Zamora
- Patty Zariello
- Chrissy Zmijewski
2 hours 23 minutes
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